Materials of Construction                Borosilicate glass funnel and base; anodized aluminum spring clamp; silicone stopper Â
Coarse-frit glass filter support
PTFE-faced funnel and base
Stainless steel screen filter support
Filter Diameter,  mm  – 47
Filtration Area, Â cm2 Â –Â 9.6
Funnel Capacity, mL Â Â Â Â Â Â –Â 300; accessory 1 L is available
Prefilter Diameter, mm    –  35 (thick depth prefilter) or 47 (membrane prefilter)
Outlet Fitting           –       No. 8 perforated silicone stopper mounts in standard 1 L and 4 L filtering flasks
Height, cm               22.9
Diameter, cm          7.6
Sterilization Method
30 UV sterilize or autoclave without filter in-place
Autoclave with filter in-place
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