- Size :61 x 46 x 07 cm.
- It shows maxilla, mandible, vertebrae, ribs, humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia, patella, phalanges, fibula, pelvis etc.
- Mounted on wooden board.
- 33 features marked.
- Key card/manual provided.
A cow skeleton model serves educational, veterinary, and research purposes, providing a visual representation of the skeletal anatomy of a cow. Here’s a brief overview of its uses:
- Veterinary Education: Used for teaching veterinary anatomy, allowing students to study the skeletal structures of cows for diagnostic and treatment purposes.
- Agricultural Education: Beneficial for agricultural education, illustrating the skeletal anatomy of cows for understanding their physiology and management.
- Research Reference: Used in research settings to study cow skeletal morphology, biomechanics, and skeletal development.
- Livestock Management: Practical for teaching livestock management, aiding in understanding the skeletal system’s role in cow health and well-being.
- Comparative Anatomy: Applied in comparative anatomy studies to explore similarities and differences between cow skeletons and those of other animals.
- Veterinary Clinics: Displayed in veterinary clinics for educational purposes and to help communicate with clients about cow anatomy and potential health issues.
- Museum Exhibits: Used in agricultural and veterinary museums and exhibits to showcase the skeletal structure of cows and their importance in agriculture.
- Farm Animal Science: Relevant in farm animal science education to enhance knowledge of cow anatomy and contribute to effective farm management practices.