13670-Ballistic Galvanometer

Specifications for a Ballistic Galvanometer include:

  1. Sensitivity:
    • High Sensitivity: Measures small charges or currents accurately.
  2. Damping:
    • Adjustable Damping: Damping mechanism for controlling oscillations.
  3. Calibration:
    • Calibrated Scale: Markings for accurate readings of charge or current.
  4. Construction:
    • Robust Design: Built for stability and durability.
  5. Ballistic Mode:
    • Ballistic Deflection: Designed to measure the total charge passed during a short time interval.
  6. Impulse Response:
    • Fast Response: Rapid deflection for quick measurement of transient currents.
  7. Coil Material:
    • Light Coil: Coil made from lightweight material for improved responsiveness.
  8. Application:
    • Transient Current Measurement: Specifically designed for measuring transient or impulse currents.
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