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14560-Cryotube With Gasket, Without Graduation, Conical Bottom,With Hinged Screw Cap


14560-Cryotube With Gasket, Without Graduation, Conical Bottom,With Hinged Screw Cap

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Part No. Capacity (ml) Pack Qty
14560-1.5 1.5ml 500/Pcs

Cryotube with Gasket, Without Graduation, Conical Bottom, With Hinged Screw Cap is commonly abbreviated as CTGWG-CB-HSC. This type of cryotube is designed for the storage of biological samples in ultra-low temperature conditions, typically in cryogenic freezers. The presence of a gasket, lack of graduation marks, conical bottom, and a hinged screw cap are specific features that make it suitable for secure sample storage in extreme cold environments.

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